How Much Does 2000 Ford Expedition Car Insurance Cost?

Searching for the cheapest auto insurance rates for your Ford Expedition? Tired of scraping the payment together to pay your car insurance bill each month? You are in the same boat as many other consumers. Numerous car insurance companies battle to insure your vehicles, so it’s not easy to compare every insurer to discover the definitive lowest rate possible.

Insurance Prices Online

There are multiple methods to shop for 2000 Ford Expedition insurance, but one way is more efficient than others. You could waste a few hours discussing policy coverages with insurance agencies in your area, or you could use online quoting to accomplish the same thing much quicker.

Most of the larger companies belong to a marketplace that allows shoppers to send in one quote, and every company can provide price quotes determined by their information. This system prevents you from having to do repetitive form submissions to every company.

To get comparison pricing now click to open in new window.

The one downside to comparing rates this way is that you can’t choose the insurers you want to price. So if you prefer to pick specific providers to receive pricing from, we have assembled a list of companies who write insurance in your area. View list of insurance companies.

It’s your choice how you get your quotes, but make darn sure you compare apples-to-apples quote information with each company. If you have mixed coverages then you won’t be able to determine the best price for your Ford Expedition.

Don’t overlook these discounts

Insurance can cost an arm and a leg, but there are discounts available to help bring down the price. Certain discounts will be applied when you complete an application, but a few must be inquired about prior to getting the savings. If you aren’t receiving every discount you qualify for, you are paying more than you should be.

  • Anti-lock Brakes – Vehicles equipped with ABS or steering control prevent accidents and will save you 10% or more.
  • Passive Restraint Discount – Cars that have air bags or motorized seat belts may earn rate discounts of up to 25% or more.
  • Multi-car Discount – Buying insurance for more than one vehicle with the same company could earn a price break for each car.
  • Life Insurance Discount – Select insurance companies reward you with better rates if you take out auto and life insurance together.
  • Good Students Pay Less – Getting good grades can get you a discount of up to 25%. This discount can apply up until you turn 25.
  • Low Mileage – Fewer annual miles on your Ford can qualify you for discounted rates on garaged vehicles.

As a disclaimer on discounts, most credits do not apply to all coverage premiums. Most only cut individual premiums such as physical damage coverage or medical payments. Just because you may think it’s possible to get free car insurance, it just doesn’t work that way. Any amount of discount will help reduce the amount you have to pay.

A partial list of companies that may have these money-saving discounts include:

Before buying, ask all companies you are considering which discounts they offer. Savings might not be offered in your state.

Is my situation unique?

When it comes to choosing the best insurance coverage, there isn’t really a one size fits all plan. Coverage needs to be tailored to your specific needs so your insurance should reflect that Here are some questions about coverages that might point out if your situation may require specific advice.

  • When should I remove comp and collision on my 2000 Ford Expedition?
  • Where can I find DUI or SR-22 insurance?
  • Is my custom paint covered by insurance?
  • Does insurance cover tools stolen from my truck?
  • Is my ex-spouse still covered by my policy?
  • When can my company non-renew my policy?
  • I have health insurance so do I need medical payments coverage?
  • How does medical payments coverage work?

If you can’t answer these questions but a few of them apply, then you may want to think about talking to an insurance agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, simply complete this short form or go to this page to view a list of companies. It only takes a few minutes and you can get the answers you need.

Coverage specifics

Understanding the coverages of your policy can help you determine which coverages you need for your vehicles. The terms used in a policy can be confusing and nobody wants to actually read their policy. Listed below are the normal coverages offered by car insurance companies.

Liability coverages – This coverage provides protection from damage or injury you incur to other’s property or people that is your fault. It protects YOU from legal claims by others. It does not cover your injuries or vehicle damage.

Coverage consists of three different limits, bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. Your policy might show values of 25/50/25 which stand for $25,000 bodily injury coverage, a limit of $50,000 in injury protection per accident, and $25,000 of coverage for damaged propery. Some companies may use a combined single limit or CSL that pays claims from the same limit without having the split limit caps.

Liability can pay for claims like medical services, repair costs for stationary objects, loss of income and structural damage. How much liability coverage do you need? That is your choice, but you should buy as much as you can afford.

Medical payments and PIP coverage – Medical payments and Personal Injury Protection insurance pay for expenses like chiropractic care, pain medications, hospital visits, ambulance fees and X-ray expenses. They can be used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance policy or if you lack health insurance entirely. They cover all vehicle occupants in addition to any family member struck as a pedestrian. Personal Injury Protection is not an option in every state and may carry a deductible

Collision – Collision insurance will pay to fix damage to your Expedition caused by collision with another vehicle or an object, but not an animal. You will need to pay your deductible then your collision coverage will kick in.

Collision coverage pays for things like damaging your car on a curb, hitting a mailbox, scraping a guard rail, colliding with a tree and driving through your garage door. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so consider removing coverage from vehicles that are 8 years or older. Another option is to bump up the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Comprehensive auto coverage – Comprehensive insurance coverage will pay to fix damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. A deductible will apply then your comprehensive coverage will pay.

Comprehensive insurance covers claims like rock chips in glass, damage from flooding, vandalism, theft and hitting a deer. The most a car insurance company will pay at claim time is the cash value of the vehicle, so if the vehicle’s value is low consider removing comprehensive coverage.

UM/UIM (Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist) coverage – This protects you and your vehicle when the “other guys” are uninsured or don’t have enough coverage. This coverage pays for injuries to you and your family and damage to your Ford Expedition.

Because many people have only the minimum liability required by law, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage should not be overlooked. Frequently your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages are similar to your liability insurance amounts.