Save on 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse Insurance Rates

Purchasing affordable insurance coverage on the internet is impossible for consumers new to buying insurance on the web. With so many companies competing online, how can anyone have a chance to compare the different rates to find the best pricing?

Consumers need to price shop coverage once or twice a year since rates change frequently. Just because you found the best deal on Eclipse insurance last year you can probably find a lower rate today. Starting now, forget all the misinformation about insurance coverage because I’m going to teach you the best methods to reduce your cost while increasing coverage.

If you currently have a car insurance policy, you should be able to lower your premiums substantially using these tips. Finding the lowest cost insurance is easy if you know what you’re doing. Although car owners must know the way companies sell insurance online and use this information to your advantage.

Comprehensive Car Insurance Comparison

Shopping for lower car insurance rates can be exhausting if you aren’t aware of the most efficient way to do it. You could spend the better part of a day driving to agents in your area, or you could use online quotes to maximize your effort.

Many companies participate in a marketplace where insurance shoppers submit one quote, and each participating company then returns a price quote based on that data. This saves time by eliminating quote requests for each company you want a rate for.

To submit your quote information now, click here to start a free quote.

The only drawback to comparing rates this way is you are unable to specify which insurance companies you will receive quotes from. So if you prefer to pick individual companies to compare prices, we put together a list of low cost car insurance companies in your area. Click here for list of insurance companies.

Which method you use is up to you, but make sure you use apples-to-apples coverage information on every quote. If you use mixed coverages it’s impossible to find the best deal for your Mitsubishi Eclipse. Slightly different limits may cause a big price difference. Just remember that getting more free quotes will increase your chances of finding better pricing.

Discounts mean cheaper 1997 Mitsubishi Eclipse insurance rates

Companies don’t always list every available discount very well, so we researched some of the best known and the more hidden auto insurance savings.

  • Resident Student – Children who are attending college and do not have a car may qualify for this discount.
  • Use Seat Belts – Drivers who require all occupants to use a seat belt could save 15% off the personal injury premium cost.
  • Payment Method – If paying your policy premium upfront instead of monthly or quarterly installments you can actually save on your bill.
  • Paperwork-free – A handful of insurance companies will discount your bill up to fifty bucks for buying your policy over the internet.
  • Sign Early and Save – A few companies offer discounts for switching policies prior to your current policy expiration. It can save you around 10%.
  • Memberships – Being a member of a professional or civic organization is a good way to get lower rates on auto insurance on Eclipse insurance.
  • Low Mileage Discounts – Driving fewer miles can earn better rates on cars that stay parked.
  • Drivers Ed for Students – Have your child successfully complete driver’s ed class if it’s offered in school.
  • 55 and Retired – Mature drivers may qualify for better auto insurance rates on Eclipse insurance.

Consumers should know that most of the big mark downs will not be given to the overall cost of the policy. Most cut the price of certain insurance coverages like comp or med pay. So despite the fact that it appears having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, it doesn’t quite work that way.

For a list of insurers offering auto insurance discounts, click here to view.

Tailor your coverage to you

When it comes to buying adequate coverage for your personal vehicles, there isn’t really a “best” method to buy coverage. Each situation is unique.

For example, these questions might point out whether your personal situation will benefit from professional help.

  • Does having multiple vehicles earn me a discount?
  • Do I have coverage when making deliveries for my home business?
  • Are rental cars covered under my policy?
  • Why is insurance for a teen driver so high?
  • How do I insure my teen driver?
  • Is my Mitsubishi Eclipse covered if I use it for business?

If you’re not sure about those questions but you think they might apply to your situation, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed agent. To find an agent in your area, complete this form.

Auto insurance 101

Knowing the specifics of car insurance can be of help when determining which coverages you need and the correct deductibles and limits. The coverage terms in a policy can be confusing and nobody wants to actually read their policy.

Medical costs insurance

Medical payments and Personal Injury Protection insurance kick in for immediate expenses for surgery, rehabilitation expenses, funeral costs, EMT expenses and prosthetic devices. The coverages can be used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance plan or if you are not covered by health insurance. Coverage applies to both the driver and occupants in addition to any family member struck as a pedestrian. PIP coverage is not universally available but can be used in place of medical payments coverage

Liability auto insurance

Liability coverage can cover damage or injury you incur to other people or property by causing an accident. This insurance protects YOU from legal claims by others. Liability doesn’t cover damage to your own property or vehicle.

Split limit liability has three limits of coverage: bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage. You might see policy limits of 50/100/50 which means a limit of $50,000 per injured person, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and a limit of $50,000 paid for damaged property.

Liability insurance covers claims like medical services, legal defense fees, loss of income and court costs. How much coverage you buy is a decision to put some thought into, but buy as large an amount as possible.

UM/UIM Coverage

This coverage provides protection when the “other guys” are uninsured or don’t have enough coverage. Covered losses include medical payments for you and your occupants and damage to your Mitsubishi Eclipse.

Because many people carry very low liability coverage limits, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. So UM/UIM coverage is a good idea.

Comprehensive or Other Than Collision

Comprehensive insurance coverage pays for damage OTHER than collision with another vehicle or object. You need to pay your deductible first then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive coverage pays for things such as hitting a deer, hitting a bird and a tree branch falling on your vehicle. The maximum amount you can receive from a comprehensive claim is the ACV or actual cash value, so if your deductible is as high as the vehicle’s value it’s probably time to drop comprehensive insurance.

Collision coverage protection

This pays for damage to your Eclipse from colliding with another car or object. You have to pay a deductible then your collision coverage will kick in.

Collision coverage protects against things such as sustaining damage from a pot hole, driving through your garage door, rolling your car, crashing into a building and colliding with a tree. This coverage can be expensive, so analyze the benefit of dropping coverage from vehicles that are 8 years or older. Drivers also have the option to raise the deductible in order to get cheaper collision rates.